REACH Delivery -
Batch File Upload
Selecting the 'Batch Upload of Files (with Metadata)'
option from the 'Manage Documents' menu allows you to
upload a batch of files at once.

You will first need to specify a path to a CSV file that
has been configured with the details of the files to be
uploaded. You can download a sample file
The application will validate the contents of the file
to endure that the File Path exists and that the DocType
conforms to one of the file types defined by the
application. Assuming the data is valid you will be
prompted to process the batch upload.

If the details contained in the CSV file are invalid
then an error screen will be displayed. For example, the
error below would be displayed if an invalid Document
Type is specified.

The valid Document Types are
Clients / Sales
Compliance Documents
Reports / Memos
Safety Documents
If there is already a file with the same name as one
referenced in the CSV file, the following message will
be displayed.

If the details in the CSV file are correct, clicking on 'Process Batch' will upload the files to the
Reach Delivery system. Once the upload is complete, a
confirmation message will be displayed.

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