REACH Delivery - Manage E-Mail Definitions

This is an Administrator only function available from the "Administrator Functions" -> "Advanced Settings".

The REACH Delivery system has four standard emails, these are:

Introduction - this email is sent to someone who has been set up on REACH delivery or has had a message/file sent to them and they are the first user in their company, which means there is no administrator set up in their company .  The message advises them that they are being set up as an administrator, at least until other people in their company are using REACH Delivery, and guides them through installing the software and starting to operate it.

Administrator - this email is sent to the allocated system administrator when an external (someone not in the administrators company) user of REACH Delivery sends a message to someone in the administrators company.  This email advises the administrator that a person in there company has been requested to use REACH Delivery and requests that they approve the use, help them get set up and provide them with their user name and password (that are included in this email).

Introduction to internal user - this email is sent to a new internal user when they are set up for the first time by someone else within the same company.  The email will be sent to the new internal user each time a file is distributed to then (made available to them) until they install REACH Delivery.

Reminder to uninstalled external user - this email is sent to the new user when someone in another company sends them a message either for the first time or if they have not installed REACH Delivery.

These standard email are used by default, however, the administrator can set up modified versions of them (different language, changes to the words to match company policies, etc) if they wish.

The manage email definition function allows you to set up and modify the standard emails defined above.

When the function is entered the following screen is presented:

The standard email to the administrator or new user cannot be changed, however, each company can set up their own specific versions of these emails which will be used when a new user or administrator is set up.

What do the symbols mean?  (click on the icon or the link to jump to information on that subject)

Save changes

Delete email

Preview HTML email

Insert Variable

New email

Create template HTML email

Create template plain text email





New Email

To create a new email click, first select the standard administrator introduction email and then click the 'New Email' icon.  This will present a screen to create either a new administrator or new introduction email, as originally selected, that is specific to your company. As shown below:

You can now type (or copy from another product such as outlook, Frontpage or Dreamweaver) the required email text into the "email body" section.   There is a check box "email is HTML" that may be selected to switch the email from HTML to Plain text, if this is required.


Save changes

When you are finished with adding/editing your email then you can use the save changes icon to save the updated email.


Delete email

If you no longer want one of the emails that you have created, simply select that email and click the "delete email" icon.  You will be asked to confirm the deletion of the email before it is actually deleted.


Preview HTML email

The preview HTML email screen allows you to see what your email will look like.   For example, the HTML code....

<meta http-equiv="Content-Language" content="en-gb">
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=windows-1252">
<p>This is a test email </p>
<p>Welcome to REACH Delivery</p>
<p>Login with the screen below</p>
<p><img border="0" src="" width="233" height="174"></p>

will be displayed, after clicking Preview HTML email, as:


Insert Variable

The Insert Variable function is a very powerful email editing tool.  This icon contains a sub-menu, as shown here, that assists with adding in system defines terms into the email e.g. a persons name, the link to installer, etc.  The following email editing facilities are:

Insert Destination User Friendly Name: Inserts the system command {Destination User} which is replaced, when the email is sent by the name of user (Point of Contact) that is being invited to install REACH Delivery

Insert E-mail Receiver Friendly Name: Inserts the system command {EMail Receiver} which is replaced, when the email is sent by the name of the recipient of the email which may be the user (as above) or may be someone else such as an administrator.

Insert REACH Delivery Installer URL: Inserts the system command {InstallerURL} which is replaced, when the email is sent by a link to the REACH Delivery installer

Insert Source User Friendly Name: Inserts the system command {Sending User} which is replaced, when the email is sent by your name (senders name)

Insert Source User Company name: Inserts the system command {Sending Company} which is replaced, when the email is sent by you company's name (sending company name)

Insert File List: Inserts the system command {Document List} which is replaced, when the email is sent by the list of documents that you are sending as part of this message

Insert Message Text: Inserts the system command {Message Text} which is replaced, when the email is sent by the message text that you defined as the free-format text in the REACH Delivery message.


Create template HTML email

The create template HTML email command is a very helpful option that, when clicked, will populate the email body of the email you are creating with the default HTML code from the standard administrator or introduction email that you are editing.


Create template plain text email

The create template plain text email command is a very helpful option that, when clicked, will populate the email body of the email you are creating with the default plain text code from the standard administrator or introduction email that you are editing.

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