REACH Delivery - Document Access

Points of Contact with access  from the file management screen

Selecting the ‘Who can view this file’ from the file menu will allow you to view all users who have restrictions set that differ from the default that you set. You will also be able to see here people in other companies that have had the file distributed to them by your company where different restrictions have been set.


The icons on this screen have the following meanings. Please click on the links to jump to a full description of each.

User restrictions


Company restrictions


Print/Export counts



Manage Document User restrictions

Un less specific restrictions have been set up for the document the following screen will be displayed:

Manage Document Company restrictions

If there are NO specific company restrictions on the document, only the default restrictions, then the following screen will be displayed:

If there are company restrictions on the document that are not the default restrictions the following screen will be displayed:


Print/Export counts.

The counter that is displayed in the ‘Who can see this file’ screen’’ (see below) allows visibility of all of those  that have access in your group if you are not the owning group or all who have access if you are, who are allowed to print and or copy the file and how many times they or their group have done so.


When a new version of the file is uploaded by the owning group the original restrictions are also connected with the new version, the counters are reset to zero for the new version.

If there are no counts to report them the following screen will be displayed:

If there are counts to report then the following information is provided:

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