REACH Delivery - Manage Receipt Definitions

This is an Administrator only function available from the "Administrator Functions" -> "Advanced Settings" menu.

The manage receipts options allows you to add new receipts or to manage your existing receipts.  The following screen shows any receipts that are available.  Next to each receipt name are options to select, delete, edit and display the receipt.

If receipts exist and this screen is accessed from the send message function then the additional options, show below,

to use the default or a manual receipt for the specific message being sent are offered for selection.


Add a New Receipt

When you are creating a new receipt the following screen is displayed.  This is the REACH Delivery form builder the Icons along the top will help with building the new receipt.  Please see below for details of the icon functions.


What do the symbols mean?  (click on the icon or the link to jump to information on that subject)

Before you start, be warned, the icon will exit without saving your work.  In order to save your form you must click on the icon to exit if you want to save your form and upload the changes.

The following descriptions indicate what the different functions in the REACH Delivery form builder do.  However, the best way to learn the form builder is to simply start using it and try out the different options and components.  Don't forget that "right click" will provide all the options for an element that you create.

Save form definition - saves the form that you have been creating/modifying

Printer config - sets up the margins, paper size and other standard page definitions

Print Preview - provides a standard print preview function that displays the form as it will be printed

Print - standard print function that will print the form to a printer on your network

Create demo form - Not sure where to start ? the create demo form function will provide a demonstration form for you to modify

Create new form - creates a new blank form to start from

Add shaded area - tool to allow you to create a shaded box.  When you have created this box ofrany other element then right click on it and an options menu will come up (see right) that provides standard functions for managing the component you have clicked on.

Add check box - tool to add a standard check box

Add text box - tool to allow you to create a text box.  When you have created this box or any other element then right click on it and an options menu will come up that provides standard functions for managing the component you have clicked on.

Add Text Block - tool to add a pre-formatted text block in which the text will automatically wrap.

Add Image - adds an image from a file on your computer or network

Add Horizontal Rule - adds a horizontal line across the form that you can move to where ever you need on the form

Add Data Pair - tool to add a form field that is the label and the data text.

Add Combo Box - tool to add drop down pre-populated field


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