REACH Delivery - Referral Dashboard

This is an Administrator only function available from the "Administrator Functions" -> "Advanced Settings" -> "Referrer Functions" menu.

The Referral Dashboard function allows you to keep track of any referrals that you have made; as well as detailing the terms of your Referral Contract.

The Referral Dashboard Form is shown below:

The dashboard includes the following pieces of information.

Referral ID

This ID needs to be entered by the referred customer when setting up a Billing Account. Otherwise the referral will fail.

Default Percentage Slice

This is the percentage of the income from the referred company that will be credited to the referrer.

Default Referral Period

This is the period of time during which the chance to refer this client to Reach Delivery will not be offered to other referrers.

Account Currency

The currency in which the referral credits will be paid.

Accumulated Income

The total income that has been accrued by referrals. The income accrued is channelled into one of two routes. If the referrer is also a sender and has a billing account, then the income is credited to their invoices each month. If the referrer is not a sender, then they will need to invoice Reach Delivery one a quarter and a cheque will be sent. A reminder message will be sent  when it is time to send an invoice.


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