REACH Delivery - Manage User Groups

Manage User Groups

The "Manage User Groups" facility is an Administrator only function available from the "Administrator Functions" -> "Advanced Settings" quick link.

Setting up an area to be authorised to send messages.

Company areas are also used for defining who can send messages through REACH Delivery and who will pay the associated fees for these messages.

To set up an area to be authorised to send messages please click "setting an area up for message senders" to jump to a set by step guide on this page.

REACH Delivery allows for "User Groups" within a corporation to be defined. These groups can be considered to be sub-companies e.g. Holding company, Subsidiary company, country specific company etc or departments e.g. finance, compliance, warehouse, etc.  It is completely up to the users of REACH Delivery as to how they wish to use "User Groups".

If groups are defined then they can provide an automated distribution list capability.

Further to this a support structure is required within a company. This requires the ability for a user to have a supervisor (in REACH Delivery this role is defined as the administrator). Each user is assigned an administrator when their account is created.

The company area function also allows the concept of merging companies whereby the system administrator will be able to merge two companies by adding one company as an ‘area’ in another company.

The "Manage User Groups" functionality displays the following screen, with the section showing (<company>) showing the full "tree" diagram for all the company areas.

The icons on the screen have the following functionality.  Please click on the link to jump to a more detailed explanation of the function.


Show Users

Show All


Add user to user group

Once you have added additional areas there are two further icons that appear on the screen.

Delete the selected area.


Review Pending Join Requests


Add New Area

Adds a new area under the area that is selected.  When this icon is clicked you will be requested to enter the name for the new area:

when this is entered and the "Apply Changes" icon clicked then the new area is added to the tree diagram.


Show all users in this area

Shows a list of all the users that are currently assigned to a certain area but not those specifically in an area the is below (subordinate) to the area selected.  Users are assigned to an area in the manage your public data menu option


Show all users in this and all child areas

Shows a list of all the users that are currently assigned to a certain area and any users that are in areas below (subordinate or child) areas.  Users are assigned to an area in the manage your public data menu option


Transfer all users from this area

If you wish to transfer all users from one specific area to another then select (by clicking on it) the area you want to transfer from and then click the icon.  You will be presented with a screen to select which area you wish to transfer all of the users to.

When you have made your selection and clicked the "Select" icon then you will be asked to confirm that you wish for the move to be completed.

and finally a confirmation that the move has been completed is displayed:


Add a User to this User Group

If you wish to add a user to a user group, click on the add user to user group icon.

You will be presented with the following screen.

Select the required user and click on the Confirm button. A confirmation box will be displayed confirming that the user has been added to the user group.


Rename area

If you wish to rename a specific area then select (by clicking on it) the area you want to rename and then click the icon.  You will be presented with a screen to enter the new name you want to call the area.

When you have typed in the new name click the "Apply Changes" icon.




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