The next set of fields are search
criteria that will help refine the search. As you
can see below, search can be refined by start date and
time, end date and time, and the entire company OR a
specific user.

Select the Criteria you wish, then
pick the user impact information option you require and
then click 'Search'
to return the search results. The functions available via User
Impact Information (Recipient and Administrator) and
User Specific Audit Data (Administrator only) are:
Descriptions of the individual audit functions follows
messages sent

This audit information is
for any messages that have been sent. The additional search
criteria fields allow you to specify the company a
message was sent to and/or the point of contact (user)
that a message was sent to.
The resulting information
that is provided back will be similar to:

By double clicking on
any of the messages listed you will be able to open the
specific audit information for that transaction.
A description of all the audit
information provided is available on the
Audit Detail help page.
messages received

The additional search
criteria fields allow you to specify the company a
message was received by and/or the point of contact (user)
that a message was received by.
The resulting information
that is provided back will be similar to:

By double clicking on
any of the messages listed you will be able to open the
specific audit information for that transaction.
A description of all the audit
information provided is available on the
Audit Detail help page.
Files sent in messages

The additional search
criteria fields allow you to specify the company a file
was sent to and/or the point of contact (user)
that a file was sent to.
The resulting information
that is provided back will be similar to:

By double clicking on
any of the messages listed you will be able to open the
specific audit information for that file.
A description of all the audit
information provided is available on the
Audit Detail help page.
Files received in

The additional search
criteria fields allow you to specify the company a file
was received by and/or the point of contact (user)
that a file was received by.
The resulting information
that is provided back will be similar to:

By double clicking on
any of the messages listed you will be able to open the
specific audit information for that file.
A description of all the audit
information provided is available on the
Audit Detail help page.
Files Downloaded

The additional search
criteria fields allow you to specify the company a file
was downloaded by and/or the point of contact (user)
that a file was downloaded by.
The resulting information
that is provided back will be similar to:

By double clicking on
any of the messages listed you will be able to open the
specific audit information for that file.
A description of all the audit
information provided is available on the
Audit Detail help page.
Edit history
for specified file

The additional search
criteria field is the file name. This is a
mandatory field and the find button will populate a list
of possible files for you to check the edit audit
history of.
The resulting information
that is provided back will be similar to:

By double clicking on
any of the audit line listed you will be able to open the
specific audit information for that action and view the
different versions of the file that have been audited.
A description of all the audit
information provided is available on the
Audit Detail help page.
History for Specified File

The additional search
criteria field is the file name. This is a
mandatory field and the find button will populate a list
of possible files for you to check the download audit
history of.
The resulting information
that is provided back will be similar to:

By double clicking on
any of the audit line listed you will be able to open the
specific audit information for that action and view the
file that have been downloaded.
A description of all the audit
information provided is available on the
Audit Detail help page.
Sent History for Specified File

The additional search
criteria field is the filename. This is a
mandatory field and the find button will populate a list
of possible files for you to check the file sent audit
history of.
The resulting information
that is provided back will be similar to:

By double clicking on
any of the audit line listed you will be able to open the
specific audit information for that action and view the
file that have been sent.
A description of all the audit
information provided is available on the
Audit Detail help page.
Messages Sent via Email

The additional search criteria fields allow you to
specify the company a file was sent to and/or the point
of contact (user) that a file was sent to.
By double clicking on
any of the audit lines listed you will be able to open the
specific audit information for that action.
A description of all the audit
information provided is available on the
Audit Detail help page.
The Administrator of the
system for each company has additional audit information
available to them. In many cases this information
will be extracted form the system and reports run to
analyse the information, however, interrogation of the
audit information can be performed through the REACH Delivery
all audit types
message sent to other company
company administrator Message Sent to Other Company function is similar
to the user messages sent function, however it differs
by providing the audit information for all messages that
the company has sent from any of the companies users
(points of contact) to another. As the audit information for
all messages are are provided there is no requirement
for the "to company" or "to point of contact" search
criteria fields that are part of the user audit screen
for messages sent.

By double clicking on
any of the messages listed you will be able to open the
specific audit information for that transaction.
A description of all the audit
information provided is available on the
Audit Detail help page.
message sent internally
company administrator Message Sent Internally function displays the information relating to
all the messages sent internally by any of the companies users (points of contact).

By double clicking on
any of the messages listed you will be able to open the
specific audit information for that transaction.
A description of all the audit
information provided is available on the
Audit Detail help page.
message updated
company administrator Message Updated function provides
the audit information for all messages that have been
updated by any of the companies users
(points of contact). As the audit information for
all messages are are provided there is no requirement
for additional search criteria fields.

By double clicking on
any of the messages listed you will be able to open the
specific audit information for that transaction.
A description of all the audit
information provided is available on the
Audit Detail help page.
message default
receipt posted
The Message Default Receipt Posted audit function provides the audit information for each
time the Default Receipt is posted as a result of accepting a received message.

By double clicking on
any of the messages listed you will be able to open the
specific audit information for that transaction.
A description of all the audit
information provided is available on the
Audit Detail help page.
auto reject configured
auto reject configured audit function provides
the audit information for each time an auto reject is
set up against any user.
As the audit information for
all messages are are provided there is no requirement
for additional search criteria fields.

By double clicking on
any of the items listed you will be able to open the
specific audit information for that transaction.
A description of all the audit
information provided is available on the
Audit Detail help page.
file sent to external company
file sent to external company audit function provides
the audit information for all files that have been sent to an external company.
As the audit information for
all files are are provided there is no requirement
for additional search criteria fields.

By double clicking on
any of the items listed you will be able to open the
specific audit information for that transaction.
A description of all the audit
information provided is available on the
Audit Detail help page.
file shared with internal user
file shared with internal user audit function provides
the audit information for all files that have been shared internally.
As the audit information for
all files is provided there is no requirement
for additional search criteria fields.

By double clicking on
any of the items listed you will be able to open the
specific audit information for that transaction.
A description of all the audit
information provided is available on the
Audit Detail help page.
file copied
to company catalogue
file copied to company catalogue audit function provides
the audit information for all files that have been copied to the company catalogue.
As the audit information for
all files are provided there is no requirement
for additional search criteria fields.

By double clicking on
any of the items listed you will be able to open the
specific audit information for that transaction.
A description of all the audit
information provided is available on the
Audit Detail help page.
file downloaded
The company administrator
file downloaded audit function provides the
audit information for all files downloaded
(opened/accessed) from the REACH Delivery
system by the company's users.
As the audit information for
all files are provided there is no requirement
for additional search criteria fields.

By double clicking on
any of the items listed you will be able to open the
specific audit information for that transaction.
A description of all the audit
information provided is available on the
Audit Detail help page.
file uploaded to
The company administrator
file uploaded to server audit function provides the
audit information for all files uploaded into the REACH Delivery
system by the company's users.
As the audit information for
all files are provided there is no requirement
for additional search criteria fields.

By double clicking on
any of the items listed you will be able to open the
specific audit information for that transaction.
A description of all the audit
information provided is available on the
Audit Detail help page.
Constraint Created
The document constraint
created audit function provides the
audit information for restrictions that have been created
in the REACH Delivery
system by the company's users.
As the audit information for
all restrictions are provided there is no requirement
for additional search criteria fields.

By double clicking on
any of the items listed you will be able to open the
specific audit information for that transaction.
Constraint Modified
The document constraint modified audit function provides the
audit information for restrictions that have been modified
in the REACH Delivery
system by the company's users.
As the audit information for
all restrictions are provided there is no requirement
for additional search criteria fields.

By double clicking on
any of the items listed you will be able to open the
specific audit information for that transaction.
File metadata
Inserted (REACH Delivery)
The File Metadata Inserted audit function provides the
audit information for File Metadata that has been inserted in the REACH Delivery
system by the company's users.
As the audit information for
all metadata is provided there is no requirement
for additional search criteria fields.

By double clicking on
any of the items listed you will be able to open the
specific audit information for that transaction.
File Metadata
Updated (REACH Delivery)
The File Metadata Updated audit function provides the
audit information for File Metadata that has been updated in the REACH Delivery
system by the company's users.
As the audit information for
all metadata are provided there is no requirement
for additional search criteria fields.

By double clicking on
any of the items listed you will be able to open the
specific audit information for that transaction.
Document Wrapper Metadata Modified
The Document Wrapper Metadata Modified audit function provides the
audit information for Document Wrapper Metadata that has been
modified in the REACH Delivery
system by the company's users.
As the audit information for
all metadata is provided there is no requirement
for additional search criteria fields.

By double clicking on
any of the items listed you will be able to open the
specific audit information for that transaction.
Context Document Metadata Modified
The Context Document Metadata Modified audit function provides the
audit information for Context Document Metadata that has been
modified in the REACH Delivery
system by the company's users.
As the audit information for
all metadata are provided there is no requirement
for additional search criteria fields.

By double clicking on
any of the items listed you will be able to open the
specific audit information for that transaction.
Context Metadata Modified
The Context Metadata Modified audit function provides the
audit information for Context Metadata that has been
modified in the REACH Delivery
system by the company's users.
As the audit information for
all metadata is provided there is no requirement
for additional search criteria fields.

By double clicking on
any of the items listed you will be able to open the
specific audit information for that transaction.
File Metadata Updated
The File Metadata Modified audit function provides the
audit information for File Metadata that has been
modified in the REACH Delivery
system by the company's users.
As the audit information for
all metadata is provided there is no requirement
for additional search criteria fields.

By double clicking on
any of the items listed you will be able to open the
specific audit information for that transaction.
User Login (Auto)
The company administrator
user login (auto) audit function provides the
audit information for logins to the REACH Delivery system by the
company's users without entering a username and
password, as they were cached in the computer to allow
for an automatic login.
As the audit information for
all users is provided there is no requirement
for additional search criteria fields.

By double clicking on
any of the items listed you will be able to open the
specific audit information for that transaction.
A description of all the audit
information provided is available on the
Audit Detail help page.
User Login (manual)
The company administrator
user login (manual) audit function provides the
audit information for all manual (not automatic) logins
performed by users
(points of contact) within the company.
As the audit information for
all users is provided there is no requirement
for additional search criteria fields.

By double clicking on
any of the items listed you will be able to open the
specific audit information for that transaction.
A description of all the audit
information provided is available on the
Audit Detail help page.
Public Address Created
The public address created audit function provides the
audit information for each time a public address was
created by a user e.g. by setting up a new user.
As the audit information for
all addresses are provided there is no requirement
for additional search criteria fields.

By double clicking on
any of the items listed you will be able to open the
specific audit information for that transaction.
A description of all the audit
information provided is available on the
Audit Detail help page.
Private Address
The Private Address Created audit function provides the
audit information for each time a private address was
created by a user e.g. by setting up a new user.
As the audit information for
all addresses are provided there is no requirement
for additional search criteria fields.

By double clicking on
any of the items listed you will be able to open the
specific audit information for that transaction.
A description of all the audit
information provided is available on the
Audit Detail help page.
Public Address
The Public Address Modified audit function provides the
audit information for each time a public address was
modified by a user.
As the audit information for
all addresses are are provided there is no requirement
for additional search criteria fields.

By double clicking on
any of the items listed you will be able to open the
specific audit information for that transaction.
A description of all the audit
information provided is available on the
Audit Detail help page.
User Changed their
The user changed their
password audit function provides the
audit information for each time a user modified their
password within the REACH Delivery system.
As the audit information for
all users are provided there is no requirement
for additional search criteria fields.

By double clicking on
any of the items listed you will be able to open the
specific audit information for that transaction.
A description of all the audit
information provided is available on the
Audit Detail help page.
File Association
The File Association Created audit function provides the
audit information for each time a file association has been created within the REACH Delivery system.
As the audit information for
all files are provided there is no requirement
for additional search criteria fields.

By double clicking on
any of the items listed you will be able to open the
specific audit information for that transaction.
A description of all the audit
information provided is available on the
Audit Detail help page.
File Association
The File Association Broken audit function provides the
audit information for each time a file association has been broken within the REACH Delivery system.
As the audit information for
all files are provided there is no requirement
for additional search criteria fields.

By double clicking on
any of the items listed you will be able to open the
specific audit information for that transaction.
A description of all the audit
information provided is available on the
Audit Detail help page.
User has
cleared server memory cache
This is a system audit feature
User security check
The company administrator
user security check failed audit function provides the
audit information for users that invoked a security
check fail. A security check failure is
usually caused by
As the audit information for
all messages are are provided there is no requirement
for additional search criteria fields.

By double clicking on
any of the messages listed you will be able to open the
specific audit information for that transaction.
A description of all the audit
information provided is available on the
Audit Detail help page.
Company Data
has been modified
The company administrator
company modified audit function provides the
audit information for all company data modified by users
(points of contact)
As the audit information for
all company data are provided there is no requirement
for additional search criteria fields.

By double clicking on
any of the items listed you will be able to open the
specific audit information for that transaction.
A description of all the audit
information provided is available on the
Audit Detail help page.
Company Data has
been Created
The company administrator
company modified audit function provides the
audit information for all company data created by users
(points of contact)
As the audit information for
all company data are provided there is no requirement
for additional search criteria fields.

By double clicking on
any of the messages listed you will be able to open the
specific audit information for that transaction.
A description of all the audit
information provided is available on the
Audit Detail help page.
Document Wrapper Metadata Definition Modified
The Document Wrapper Metadata Definition Modified
audit function provides the audit information where the Document Wrapper Metadata Definitions have been modified.
As the audit information for
all meetadata are provided there is no requirement
for additional search criteria fields.

By double clicking on
any of the items listed you will be able to open the
specific audit information for that transaction.
A description of all the audit
information provided is available on the
Audit Detail help page.
Context Document Metadata Definition Modified
The Context Document Metadata Definition Modified
audit function provides the audit information where the Context Document Metadata Definitions have been modified.
As the audit information for
all metadata are provided there is no requirement
for additional search criteria fields.

By double clicking on
any of the items listed you will be able to open the
specific audit information for that transaction.
A description of all the audit
information provided is available on the
Audit Detail help page.
Context Metadata Definition Modified
The Context Metadata Definition Modified
audit function provides the audit information where the Context Metadata Definitions have been modified.
As the audit information for
all metadata are provided there is no requirement
for additional search criteria fields.

By double clicking on
any of the items listed you will be able to open the
specific audit information for that transaction.
A description of all the audit
information provided is available on the
Audit Detail help page.
Document Metadata Definition Modified
The Document Metadata Definition Modified
audit function provides the audit information where the Document Metadata Definitions have been modified.
As the audit information for
all metadata are are provided there is no requirement
for additional search criteria fields.

By double clicking on
any of the items listed you will be able to open the
specific audit information for that transaction.
A description of all the audit
information provided is available on the
Audit Detail help page.
Context Document Metadata Definition Deleted
The Context Document Metadata Definition Deleted
audit function provides the audit information where a Context Document Metadata Definitions has been deleted.
As the audit information for
all metadata are are provided there is no requirement
for additional search criteria fields.

By double clicking on
any of the items listed you will be able to open the
specific audit information for that transaction.
A description of all the audit
information provided is available on the
Audit Detail help page.
Context Document Metadata Definition Deleted
The Context Metadata Definition Deleted
audit function provides the audit information where a Context Metadata Definition has been deleted.
As the audit information for
all metadata are are provided there is no requirement
for additional search criteria fields.

By double clicking on
any of the items listed you will be able to open the
specific audit information for that transaction.
A description of all the audit
information provided is available on the
Audit Detail help page.
Document Wrapper Metadata Definition Deleted
The Document Wrapper Metadata Definition Deleted
audit function provides the audit information where a Document Wrapper Metadata Definition has been deleted.
As the audit information for
all metadata are are provided there is no requirement
for additional search criteria fields.

By double clicking on
any of the items listed you will be able to open the
specific audit information for that transaction.
A description of all the audit
information provided is available on the
Audit Detail help page.
User Group Created
The User Group Created
audit function provides the audit information where a User Group has been created.
As the audit information for
all user groups are provided there is no requirement
for additional search criteria fields.

By double clicking on
any of the items listed you will be able to open the
specific audit information for that transaction.
A description of all the audit
information provided is available on the
Audit Detail help page.
User Group Deleted
The User Group Deleted
audit function provides the audit information where a User Group has been deleted.
As the audit information for
all user groups are provided there is no requirement
for additional search criteria fields.

By double clicking on
any of the items listed you will be able to open the
specific audit information for that transaction.
A description of all the audit
information provided is available on the
Audit Detail help page.
User Group Modified
The User Group Modified
audit function provides the audit information where a User Group has been created.
As the audit information for
all user groups is provided there is no requirement
for additional search criteria fields.

By double clicking on
any of the items listed you will be able to open the
specific audit information for that transaction.
A description of all the audit
information provided is available on the
Audit Detail help page.
User Group Moved
The User Group Moved
audit function provides the audit information where a User Group has been moved.
As the audit information for
all user groups is provided there is no requirement
for additional search criteria fields.

By double clicking on
any of the items listed you will be able to open the
specific audit information for that transaction.
A description of all the audit
information provided is available on the
Audit Detail help page.
User Group Sending Disabled
The User Group Sending Disabled audit function provides the audit information where sending has been disabled for a User Group.
As the audit information for
all user groups is provided there is no requirement
for additional search criteria fields.

By double clicking on
any of the items listed you will be able to open the
specific audit information for that transaction.
A description of all the audit
information provided is available on the
Audit Detail help page.
User Group Sending Enabled
The User Group Sending Enabled audit function provides the audit information where sending has been enabled for a User Group.
As the audit information for
all user groups is provided there is no requirement
for additional search criteria fields.

By double clicking on
any of the items listed you will be able to open the
specific audit information for that transaction.
A description of all the audit
information provided is available on the
Audit Detail help page.
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