REACH Delivery - Download New Software Version

This function is accessible to all users through the "Options" menu when new versions of REACH Delivery are available.

Users of the REACH Delivery system will receive a message alerting them to the fact that a new version of the software is available.

When a new version of the REACH Delivery system is available, the message, as shown on the right will be displayed in the bottom right hand corner of your computer screen.

Please note: the "download new version" menu option will only be displayed AFTER you have next logged out of the REACH Delivery system and logged back into it.

The Download New Software Version menu option only appears in the menu when there is a new version of the REACH Delivery client  software available.

Once selected the application will request a location to store and execute the installer.  Select a suitable folder on your computer, this can be any location you wish and does not determine where the application will be installed.

When the installer is downloaded the following message will be displayed:

 Click Yes and the installation will start. 

You will see installation progress screens similar to this screen.

Once complete, the REACH Delivery license agreement will be displayed.  You will be required to review the license and accept it before continuing.  Accept the license by clicking the "I agree" button on the following screen.

REACH Delivery will then identify where the product will be installed.  The default location is displayed and as with most software installations you are offered the opportunity to change this location.

If you are happy with the default location or have changed the location, check the "install" button to continue the installation.

When the installation is complete you will be automatically passed to the REACH Delivery login screen.

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REACH Delivery Service

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