REACH Delivery - System Tray

The REACH Delivery system will start automatically when your computer starts up and will continue to run in the background (as long as you are logged in).   When it is running it adds a small icon to your system tray.

When a new message has been received for you by REACH Delivery that contains a new file/document it will flash up the number of outstanding received messages.


If your REACH Delivery system is not running and there is no envelope displayed in your system tray then you can start REACH Delivery by double clicking the icon that has been placed on your desktop during the REACH Delivery installation.

If you "right click" the system tray icon you will be presented with the following menu:

These menu options allow you to either: "Quit" - close REACH Delivery down or "Show Messages"  which will open up the main REACH Delivery entry screen.



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