New User Quick Start Guide

REACH Delivery is a purpose built solution that provides an industry wide delivery and document control service for manufacturers, importers, distributors and downstream users.   It supports the document delivery, receipt, control, update, audit and tracking requirements as set out as part of the REACH regulations.   

The system has at its core, a secure, internet-based communication gateway, which links directly between all companies subject to REACH regulations, and the company’s customers and suppliers. In addition, the service is able to demonstrate compliance and reduce the risk of enforcement and legal action.

 This New User Quick Start Guide provides you with some important information about the REACH Delivery system that you should now or may with to refer back to as you use the system.   The document is split into several sections, to make it easy for you to go directly to the information you need. 

All new users to read to Initial set up configurations section of this guide. 


Please click on the section in the list below for the section you require.

Initial set up configurations (starting up as a Recipient)

Additional things you need to know as an Administrator

Being an Administrator

Approving other Users – provide usernames and passwords.

Sending messages, files and documents through REACH Delivery.


What can you do at your user level

Familiarisation Exercises.





Initial set up configurations (starting up as a Recipient)

What you should see when you have logged on:

Now that you have installed REACH Delivery the system will operate perfectly well from the default configuration, however, there are several configuration options which you should consider might be better changed to suit your company's requirements.  These include:

Change your password to something only you know (see password change in the help screens for further guidance) using the function in the “options” menu.

Select which language to use for the REACH Delivery user interface (see set language in the help screens for further guidance) using the function in the “options” menu.

Decide if you want your username to appear in a public directory that is available to other REACH Delivery users searching for you or if you wish to only have users that already know your email address or username to be able to contact you.  Set your public address field accordingly (see set Public Address in the help screens for manage your public profile in the “options” menu).

You are now set up as a REACH Delivery “Recipient” and can use the REACH Delivery system free of charge to receive messages, files and documents and “distribute”, which means to pass on, documents and files internally to your colleagues.  Please see the following sections in this document for details of the other REACH Delivery roles such as Administrator and Sender.

Once you have familiarised yourself with the REACH Delivery system you should return to the configuration options in the "manage" menu and consider changing the system's standard emails to match your language preference.

There is lots of helps available for your with REACH Delivery
Please consider if any of the following online support options address your question.

Frequently Asked Questions

REACH Delivery Online Help

Access the REACH Delivery Frequently Asked Questions and answers online

Access the online help for REACH Delivery

Additional things you need to know as an Administrator

Each company using REACH Delivery has to have at least one user that also has the Administrator role.   As a result, the first user in a company is assigned the administrator role by default.   Users can stop being an administrator only if there is another administrator in their company.   Companies can have multiple administrator roles if they wish.

Each company using REACH Delivery has at least one user that also has the Administrator role.   As a result, the first user in a company is assigned the administrator role by default.   Users can stop being an administrator only if there is another administrator in their company.   Companies can have multiple administrator roles if they wish.

 Being an Administrator

Being the administrator of REACH Delivery for a company is an important role; however, it does not need to be an onerous one.  The administrator has access to additional system set up features in the "manage" menu (please refer to the main REACH Delivery help page for details of each of these).  These features allow the administrator to perform tasks such as: change the standard emails that are sent out by REACH Delivery (maybe to another language), configure which types of files are saved locally on company computers, turn on context support for files, set up and manage company areas and alter the receipt options that a company requires from the standard REACH Delivery options.

Approving other Users – provide usernames and passwords

One of the most important tasks for an administrator is to manage the other REACH Delivery users within their company.  When a new user is set up within their company (possibly by someone else trying to send them a message) the administrator is informed and has a number of tasks.  The main task is to provide the new user with their username and password to access REACH Delivery.  In many companies the administrator is also the IT department who will manage the installation of the small REACH Delivery client software onto a company computer, they will also decide if an employee is appropriate and authorised to use the REACH Delivery system.

For users within your company set up by external REACH Delivery users in another company then you will have received an email with the new user’s username and password that you can provide to them.

For new users within your company set up by yourself or someone else internally then select the “manage points of contact” option from the “Manage” menu, search for the user and set up their password by typing it in the appropriate boxes.  You can now provide them their user id and password.

Sending messages, files and documents through REACH Delivery

The administrator can also setup themselves and also other users within their company to be "senders". 

To begin the process of becoming a sender an administrator must click on the:

Icon that appears at the bottom of the home screen for all Administrators.  Please see below:


This will take the administrator into a secure payments area where they can choose to set up a payment plan and to either pay by credit card or invoice/bank transfer.

Once payment is complete, the administrator is then able to set up the company area as approved for sending messages. 

Company areas are fundamental to setting up message senders.  Administrators can set an area within their company to be an area that is enabled for sending and then any users that they move into that area will be able to send messages through REACH Delivery on that Administrator's account.

When an administrator enables message sending, by signing up for a paying account within REACH Delivery, then they must set an area (possibly an area that only they are in) as a sender.  Once the payment sign up is completed a new icon will appear at the top of this screen:

This new icon, , toggles an area as being authorised to send or not being authorised to send.  When an area is authorised to send messages then "(s)" is added to the end of the company area name.  It is important that administrators check who is within the company area that they have designated as a sending area.   Consideration should be given to setting up a new area for sending messages and moving users, that are authorised to send messages, into that area.


Finally, each user must me approved for sending and this is achieved by going into the “manage your public profile” option in the Options menu (for the administrator) or  “manage points of contact” option from the “Manage” menu for other users, search for the user and check that the sender “user role” is selected.



Please click this link to review the current REACH Delivery pricing options

REACH Delivery Pricing Options






What you can do at your user level

Each user level within REACH Delivery has the ability to perform different functions.  This summary will explain the main functions now available to you at your user level.  The first thing you should do is check your user level, to do this please access the "Manage your public data" function from the options menu which will bring up a screen similar to the one shown.  Your user roles are shown as those ticked.

Internal File Receiver

The internal file receiver role has limited functionality.  REACH Delivery is mainly used to access files made available (through distribute files) by other users and to onward distribute files only within your own company.  Use the familiarisation exercises below to review the functionality available to an internal file receiver.

File Receiver

The file receiver role is similar to the Internal receiver role, however, a file receive can receive messages and files from users outside of their company.   Use the familiarisation exercises below to review the functionality available to an file receiver.

File Sender

The file sender is the most powerful role within REACH Delivery.  A file sender sends documents tor other REACH Delivery users, as part of messages.  Fundamental to the REACH Delivery system is the ability to send files (such as Safety Documents documents) to others (Recipients, sometimes known as points of contact or users) as part of a "message" and then for these documents to be fully managed in a disparate, wide network. 

REACH Delivery supports the document delivery, control and tracking requirements as set out as part of the REACH regulations. Sending documents automates, guarantees and controls the transfer and update of Safety Data Sheets and all other associated REACH documents, ensuring compliance by guaranteeing that only the very latest documents are in use by an end user. The service also provides for compliance support, alert mechanism, full audit trail, reporting, customer response forms and removal of outdated documents. For the end  user the service provides instant access to a local library of the very latest REACH documents and allows them to onward distribute these documents internally under the same controlled environment. The service also supports the linking and tracking of documents throughout.

Administrator (super administrator)

Being the administrator of REACH Delivery for a company is an important role, however, it does not need to be an onerous one.  Every company using REACH Delivery MUST have at least one administrator.   The administrator has access to the system set up features in the "manage" menu (please refer to the main REACH Delivery help page for details of each of these).  These features allow the administrator to perform tasks such as;  change the standard emails that are sent out by REACH Delivery (maybe to another language),  configure which types of files are saved locally on company computers,  turn on context support for files, set up and manage company areas and alter the receipt options that a company requires from the standard REACH Delivery options.

However, one of the most important tasks for an administrator is to manage the other REACH Delivery users within their company.  When a new user is set up within their company (possibly by someone else trying to send them a message) the administrator is informed and has a number of tasks.  The main task is to provide the new user with their username and password to access REACH Delivery.  In many companies the administrator is also the IT department who will manage the installation of the small REACH Delivery client software onto a company computer, they will also decide if an employee is appropriate and authorised to use the REACH Delivery system.

The administrator can also setup other users within their company to be "senders".   There are also four main user roles within the REACH Delivery system; An Administrator function a file Sender, a Recipient and an Internal Recipient function. In addition there is a Super-administrator role that is the same as the administrator with the exception that they can set up further administrators. For details of these user types, how a user will be designated an Administrator, a Sender or a Recipient and some of the differences between the roles, please click on this link to descriptions of user types.  The sender role is the only role within REACH Delivery that is not free to use and therefore administrator's need to be aware of this before setting someone to be a sender.









Familiarisation Exercises.

Often the best way to understand a new product is to use it.  The following simple exercises will help you to use some of the functions within REACH Delivery.



What to do

Expected result

The following exercises are for all user levels

Login to REACH Delivery

Obtain your user id and password from the email or from your administrator and follow the instructions to Login

You will be logged into REACH Delivery and will see the main screen

Add two files

Enter File Management and add two of your own files into REACH Delivery to become managed files.  Follow the instructions on the add files help screen.

The files added will appear on the file management screen.

Associate files together

Associate the two files that you have added together by following the instructions in the file associations help screen.

The files will appear on the file associations screen as associated.

Distribute a file to a new internal user

In File Management select one of the files you have added (you may need to click the search icon first) then click on the Distribute File icon.

You will reach the "select users for distribution" screen


Click on the Add User icon and add a colleague in the company where you work.   Follow the instructions to Distribute the File to this new user.

A screen indicating that documents have been distributed successfully should be displayed and your colleague should receive and invitation to use REACH Delivery.

Manage your profile

On the home screen click on the menu called  Options and then Click on manage your public data and check the "public address" box so that you can be found through a search by other users.

If you re-enter "manage your public profile" the "public address" box will be checked.

The following Exercises are only for users that are Administrators
(please complete the familiarisation tasks above before completing the administrator tasks below)


What to do

Expected result

Check your role

On the home screen click on the menu called  Options and then on Manage Your Public Profile.

 The window entitled Modify User Data will open showing in the top four boxes, your name, your company, your e-mail address and your user ID. Lower down on the left hand side of the window is a box with a series of check boxes which will list your various roles .

Set up a new user

Set up a new user to receive files within your company. It would be preferable to use a real persons details for this exercise and be someone who you have previously advised of your intentions.

Your new user will have been set up on your system and will have received an e-mail advising them of you having done so. They will be invited in the e-mail to install REACH Ready on their desktop and obtain their username and password from you as you are their administrator (see next exercise for how to find their username and password).

Find another user’s ID and Password

Go to the Manage Points of Contact menu option in the “manage” menu, click find and then select the user you have added.  You will be able to see all the information that the system holds on that user. It should be noted that you will see the password windows blank, however you can reset the password here and then confirm it.

The user's password will have been reset and the new user will need to be informed of the new password

Set up a new email definition

The REACH Delivery system holds a selection of e-mails to send to user under certain automatic circumstances. Redefine an email by following the instructions in the help sheet.

 A preset e-mail has now been redefined to reflect company practices or protocols and will be sent by the REACH Delivery system automatically hen next called upon.

check your company's areas

Company Areas can be use to help control and define who can see which document and who can communicate with what user. See which users are appearing in which area.

You can view your company areas or set up new ones and move some of your users into these new areas to assist your administration of the REACH Delivery system.

View messages received in the audit trail

The Administrator is able to view the activity of the users under his care when undertaking any function on any files.

Using the audit trail, try to display e-mails received and sort them by user or by company.

You will be able to see who has received files or messages and from which company and gain an understanding of the other information that the audit trail can give you.

The following Exercises are only for users that are Senders
(please complete the familiarisation tasks above before completing the Senders tasks below)

Send Message to another User

 Select a user within your company or outside of your company if you have privileges that will allow it and send them a message or document.

 Your selected recipient will receive the message and file you sent to them, usually within a few minutes.

Update a file sent

 If you loaded the original document into REACH Delivery and are therefore the document owner you may chose to edit the file.

 Once edited the file may be saved back onto the server and other recipients of the document will now see your edited document instead.

Forward a Message

 Forward a message and any file attached to it to other users within your company.

Your selected recipient will receive the message and file you forwarded to them, usually within a few minutes.

Check Message Audit Trail

 Check the audit history of activity on any file or message over which you have ownership. Send a third party a document in a message and then  make an alteration

Any activity on the file will show in the audit trail.

Edit a file

Go back to the file management screen and follow the instructions in the edit a document help screen to edit one of your documents.

Your document will be updated and you will return to the file management screen.

Add a constraint to a file

Edit the document again and follow the instructions for restrictions to uncheck the "allow printed copies" box

The restrictions for your document will be updated and you will return to the file management screen.

Check the update

Ask your colleague to open the file in their version of REACH Delivery and see that the change you made is in the file that they open.  Also ask them to try to print the document.

You will see that the change you made is in the file that your colleague opens. Your colleague will not be able to print the document.


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